Nel 2022 abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di condividere al livello internazionale il nostro “Portatore di parola” per portare il dialogo ed il dibattito nelle strade del Camerun, del Nepal, di Saint Lucia, della Turchia, del Ghana, dell’India, del Pakistan, del Messico, delle Filippine e dell’Indonesia. In totale, abbiamo formato una ventina di giovani attivisti della rete GCED Youth Network che hanno messo in pratica il metodo con una ventina di eventi di sensibilizzazione di strada. Grazie ad APCEIU per l’opportunità ed a Lojtra per la collaborazione.
In seguito il report del progetto : https://www.unescoapceiu.org/post/4710
L’articolo del APCEIU con altre video: https://www.unescoapceiu.org/post/4720?&page=6
In 2022, 11 teams of young leaders from across the world participated in the Street Dialogue Project organized by APCEIU in collaboration with GCED Youth Network. The Street Dialogue Project is an initiative that seeks to engage youth and members of their communities in relevant conversations in public spaces where everyone can interact, share and learn with each other.
The Project was designed with an aim of sparking open discussion on global and local issues in different corners of the world led by young leaders, which serves as an empowering process for them to facilitate public conversation on the issues with the meaningful interaction with their own community. The selected youth alumni of APCEIU were trained over the course of three months and worked with their team members to design their own projects, ensuring the dialogues they would facilitate would be relevant and engaging for members of their communities.